I chose three syllabi on the topic of Collection
Management, which is the course I will teach in this incoming summer semester.
The syllabi compared here are 1) LBSC 708G Special Topics in InformationStudies:Collection Development by Mary Edsall Choquette in Spring 2013, College
of Information Studies, Maryland’s iSchool; 2) LIS 659:Collection Development by Dennis Carrigan
(online class), in Summer 2012, School of Library & Information Science,
University of Kentucky; and 3) SI 620: Collection Development and Management by Karen Markey in
Winter 2014, School of Information, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
As one of the most important parts of a syllabus,
detailed learning objectives are provided in
the very beginning of all
three syllabi. Several overlaps can be found across the
syllabi, including: being familiar with the terminology/concept of
collection development; developing skills to evaluate users’ needs/behaviors; and
understanding current challenges of collection management in libraries. Besides
the similarities, variations among these syllabi are also interesting. For
instance, both LBSC 708G and SI 620 list the skills to develop a collection
management policy as a learning objective; LBSC 708G requires the students to be
able to “explain the value and necessity of cooperative and collaborative
collection development” after the course; and SI 620 particularly addresses the
importance to understand how the collection development activities could vary
across different types of institutions.
Due to the similarities existed in learning objectives, majority
of the content/topics covered by
these courses are overlapped. Specifically, all three courses are organized by
the life-cycle of collection management: selection, acquiring, evaluation,
preservation, and weeding. In addition, each of these courses also provide some
special topics that are not covered by other two courses: LBSC 708G also
includes topics on licenses and contracts; LIS 659 covers legal issues related
to collection management, such as copyright, ILL, and document delivery; and SI
620 contains topics on budgets and allocation. Further, both LBSC 708G and SI
620 invite multiple guest-speakers to the class, and most of them are experienced
librarians who have expertise on a particular area in collection management. No
guest speaker is mentioned in LIS 659, probably due to its online format.
For the reading list of
these courses, LBSC 708G and LIS 659 use the same textbook (but different
editions) and additional articles; while the syllabus of SI 620 does not
include information about the readings. The textbook mentioned here is Collection Management Basics by G. Edward Evans
and Margaret Z. Saponaro. I also noticed that one of the recommended books (not
required one) in LBSC 708G is Fundamentalsof Collection Development and Management by Peggy Johnson,
which is the textbook required by the Collection Management course in my
department here in SLIS.