Week 1 |
Friday, January 24 |
Introduction |
Week 2 |
Friday, January 31 |
Week 3 |
Friday, February 07 |
Teaching a lecture course |
Week 4 |
Friday, February 14 |
Teaching a lab cousre |
Week 5 |
Friday, February 21 |
Week 6 |
Friday, February 28 |
Your first teaching job |
Week 7 |
Friday, March 07 |
Week 8 |
Friday, March 14 |
Week 9 |
Friday, March 21 |
Week 10 |
Friday, March 28 |
Assessment of learning |
Week 11 |
Friday, April 04 |
Week 12 |
Friday, April 11 |
Service learning |
Week 13 |
Friday, April 18 |
The first-year experience |
Week 14 |
Friday, April 25 |
Teaching race online |
Week 15 |
Friday, May 02 |
The achievement gap |
Week 16 |
Friday, May 09 |
Writing across the curriculum |
Finals |
Friday, May 16 |
Final assignment due |
Week 01
Friday, January 24, 2014
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
School of Library & Information Studies
Readings and resouces available online (use your normal NetID and email password to access the repository):
- UW-Madison, College of Letters & Science Teaching Fellows, "Tips for teachers" (2008).
- Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, "Top 15 short publications on teaching" (2009).
- Stephen J.A. Ward, "Is it time to close journalism schools?" (07 April 2009).
- Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, "Course design tip sheet" (2006).
- Wilbert J. McKeachie, "Countdown for course preparation," in McKeachie's teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers, 11th ed. (2002), 9-20.
- Peter Filene, "Understanding yourself as a teacher," "Understanding your students," and "Defining your aims and outcomes," in The joy of teaching: A practical guide for new college instructors (2005), 7-31.
- Peter Filene, "Teaching and not perishing," in The joy of teaching: A practical guide for new college instructors (2005), 122-131.
- Wilbert J. McKeachie, "Problem students (there's almost always at least one!)," in McKeachie's teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers, 11th ed. (2002), 148-159.
- Check out some teaching materials from the David Foster Wallace archive.
Week 02
Friday, January 31, 2014
Please make sure you are registered with our weblog; you should have received an invitation via email (check you SPAM folder).
Week 03
Friday, February 07, 2014
Teaching an introductory lecture course
Chris Wells, Assistant Professor
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Readings and resouces online:
- Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, "Discussion sections" (2006).
- Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, "Twenty ways to make lectures more participatory" (2006).
- James R. Dawes (Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning), "Ten strategies for effective discussion leading" (2007).
- Wilbert J. McKeachie, "Facilitating discussion: Posing problems, listening, questioning," in McKeachie's teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers, 11th ed. (2002), 30-51.
- Mary Burgan "The myth of the bloviating professor," in What ever happened to the faculty? (2006).
Week 04
Friday, February 14, 2014
Teaching an introductory lab course
Michael Wagner, Assistant Professor
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Readings and resouces online:
- Diana Laurilliard, "Teaching as mediating learning," in Rethinking university teaching: A framework for the effective use of educational technology (1993), 13-29.
Week 05
Friday, February 21, 2014
Please post your educational innovation blog entry this week.
Week 06
Friday, February 28, 2014
Your first teaching job
Stacy Forster, Associate Faculty Associate
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Readings and resources online:
- Patrick Allitt, "Getting ready," in I'm the teacher, you're the student (2005).
- Patrick Allitt, "Early class meetings," in I'm the teacher, you're the student (2005).
- Patrick Allitt, "The discussion and lecture routine," in I'm the teacher, you're the student (2005).
Week 07
Friday, March 07, 2014
Instead, please attend as much of the "Communication Crossroads" graduate student mini-conference as you can, held in the Nafziger Room all day today. The conference presentation skills on display here are completely relevant to classroom teaching.
Week 08
Friday, March 14, 2014
Some of you may not be able to attend today due to Spring Break, so we will devote this hour to an open educational workshop for whoever is availble to attend. Bring your real-world questions and concerns and we will help you think through them together!
Week 09
Friday, March 21, 2014
Stay safe.
Week 10
Friday, March 28, 2014
Assessment of student learning
Elaine Klein, Assistant Dean for Academic Planning
College of Letters & Science
Readings and resouces (downloadable here):
- Alice Y. Kolb and David A. Kolb, "Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential learning in higher education," Academy of Management Learning & Education 4:2 (2005), 193-212.
- Marvin Druger, "Practical tips for teaching at the university level," in Leo M. Lambert, Stacey Lane Tice, and Patricia H. Featherstone, eds., University teaching: A guide for graduate students (1996), 3-8.
- Michael Flusche, "Assessment of student work," in Leo M. Lambert, Stacey Lane Tice, and Patricia H. Featherstone, eds., University teaching: A guide for graduate students (1996), 57-67.
- Edward B. Fiske, "How to learn in college: Group study, many tests," New York Times (05 March 1990).
- Amanda Ripley, "What makes a great teacher?" The Atlantic (Jan/Feb 2010).
- Patrick Allitt, "Inflated grades and sentiments," in I'm the teacher, you're the student (2005).
Week 11
Friday, April 04, 2014
Please post your syllabus comparison to the blog this week.
Week 12
Friday, April 11, 2014
Service learning
Young Mie Kim, Assistant Professor
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Readings and resouces (downloadable here):
- Mary Burgan "Bricks and mortar," in What ever happened to the faculty? (2006).
Week 13
Friday, April 18, 2014
The first-year experience
Carren Martin, Assistant Dean and Director
Center for the First-Year Experience
Readings and resouces (downloadable here):
Week 14
Friday, April 25, 2014
Teaching about race and ethnicity online
Hemant Shah, Professor
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Readings and resouces online:
- Judy Long, Wynetta Devore, and Ian Lapp, "Gender, race, and ethnicity in the classroom," in Leo M. Lambert, Stacey Lane Tice, and Patricia H. Featherstone, eds., University teaching: A guide for graduate students (1996), 107-125.
- Lee Warren (Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning), "Class in the classroom" (2007).
Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, "Teaching in racially diverse college classrooms" (2006). - Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, "Sensitivity to women in the contemporary classroom" (2006).
- Mary Burgan "Distance makes the heart grow colder," in What ever happened to the faculty? (2006).
- Beverly Tatum, "Defining racism," in "Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?" (1997).
- Beverly Tatum, "The complexity of identity," in "Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?" (1997).
Week 15
Friday, May 02, 2014
The achievement gap
Jocelyn Milner, Associate Provost and Director
Academic Planning and Institutional Research
Readings and resouces online:
Week 16
Friday, May 09, 2014
Writing across the curriculum
Brad Hughes, Director
The Writing Center, UW-Madison
Readings and resouces online:
- Brad Hughes, ed., "Some of what future faculty need to know about writing across the curriculum," J 901 handout (29 January 2010).
- John C. Bean, Engaging Ideas: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom, 2nd ed. (2011); selections.
- Duane H. Roen and Kenneth J. Lindblom, "Using writing as an active learning tool," in Leo M. Lambert, Stacey Lane Tice, and Patricia H. Featherstone, eds., University teaching: A guide for graduate students (1996), 68-87.
- Patrick Allitt, "Papers and plagiarism," in I'm the teacher, you're the student (2005).
- Edward White, "Writing assignments and essay topics," in Assigning, responding, evaluating (1995).